To be or not to be
‘To be or not to be’, his first book, is his attempt to share his worldview and life perspective, as seen from his young mind and soul. It is the life journey of three people, representing youth, midlife and old age. Their triumphs and turbulations in everyday life, and how their paths meet over something beyond normal human perception. The destinies as they unravel through the choices they make, and the eventual unimaginable consequences.
Ayan welcomes you to join him on a roller-coaster of a ride with destiny : ‘To be or not to be’!

Lost Causes
Arya Dharod, loves to share his perspectives about the world we five in, through the characters and situations in his books.
He has a natural flair for writing, which he has been nurturing since a very young age of six.
His stories are a reflection of the present generation’s life perspective, especially teenagers – their dreams, hopes, fears and character traits.
Lost Ca(u)ses is his fourth book, a crime thriller with a social relevance in the present day millieu.
Gen-i 2051
This book contains a lot of information about the future!
Please don’t read this if you don’t want to ruin your surprise of the future!!
This book has been sent through a time machine to you, the citizens of 2020, I guess. Yes, time machines were invented in like 2034 by a guy named Haze Laurus. So, start thinking Haze (wherever you are). You don’t have much time left. Start an inventing company or something (oops, I shouldn’t have told you that).
So, don’t tell me I didn’t warn you, okay!
But, if you like spoilers about absolutely anything, then read on…..

Clumsy Diaries
Arya Dharod (10) lives with his parents and grand-parents in Hyderabad, India. He is studying Grade 6 in Indus International School. Arya has been an avid reader from a very young age and developed a flair for writing from the age of seven. His passions include watching movies, Indian food and chilling out with family. He loves learning about any subject under the sun.
Clumsy Diaries is an inspiration from his ten day stay in the private game reserves of &Beyond Ngala and &Beyond Phinda; and being ‘out in the wild’ for ten hours each day! It has been hand written and edited by Arya, after returning back from their South African holiday in October 2016.
Ayan Dharod (7) is Arya’s younger brother and studying Grade 2 in the same school. He shares his passions of reading and watching movies with his elder brother. Besides, he loves arts, drama, running and having fun with Arya. All the illustrations and drawings in this book are Ayan’s creations, including the cover page.