Clumsy Diaries
Arya Dharod (10) lives with his parents and grand-parents in Hyderabad, India. He is studying Grade 6 in Indus International School. Arya has been an avid reader from a very young age and developed a flair for writing from the age of seven. His passions include watching movies, Indian food and chilling out with family. He loves learning about any subject under the sun.
Clumsy Diaries is an inspiration from his ten day stay in the private game reserves of &Beyond Ngala and &Beyond Phinda; and being ‘out in the wild’ for ten hours each day! It has been hand written and edited by Arya, after returning back from their South African holiday in October 2016.
Ayan Dharod (7) is Arya’s younger brother and studying Grade 2 in the same school. He shares his passions of reading and watching movies with his elder brother. Besides, he loves arts, drama, running and having fun with Arya. All the illustrations and drawings in this book are Ayan’s creations, including the cover page.
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